So you’ve had your pool for a while now, and it’s time to get it sparkling clean again. But what supplies do you need? Well, let me tell you!
Automatic Pool Cleaners
Automatic pool cleaners are a great way to keep your pool looking clean and sparkling. They’re also easy to use, and they’re a great investment.
Automatic pool cleaners are available in different styles. Some automatic pool cleaners have a long hose attached to the robot, while others simply use suction cups on the bottom of the cleaner or wheels on its underside. Regardless of which type of cleaner you choose, you must follow instructions carefully when operating an automatic pool cleaner so that it doesn’t become damaged or broken.
Pool Filter
When it comes to pool filtration, you’ll need a filter that can handle the size of your pool and its cleaning needs. A pool filter is made up of four parts:
- Filter media—The most common types are sand or cartridge, though some pools use a combination of both. The type of filter media you choose will depend on the size and shape of your swimming pool and how much debris is in its water.
- Filtration rate refers to how quickly your filter will cleanse your swimming area. A better-rated filter will work faster than one that has a lower rating.
- Power rating: The power rating indicates how much energy is required from an external source (such as electricity) for your filtration system. This rating includes how much energy is required to operate at maximum capacity without slowing down over time or experiencing wear and tear due to constant daily use during peak hours.
Automatic Chlorine or Bromine Feeders
Automatic chlorine or bromine feeders help you keep your pool clean and sanitized by automatically adding chemicals to the water. A chlorinator is a must-have for any pool owner who wants a crystal clear, sparkling blue pool every time they dip in it. Who doesn’t want that?
Chlorinators are easy-to-use, reliable devices that can be customized to fit your own unique needs. The first step is choosing which chemical you want to feed into the water—chlorine or bromine—and then determining how much you need based on the size of your pool. Regardless of whether you choose chlorine or bromine, ensure the system comes with an automatic timer, so it only feeds when needed.
Automatic pH Balancers
Pool pH is the measurement of your pool’s acidity, or how acidic the water is. The pH scale ranges from 1 to 14. A low pH number means that the water is more acidic, and a high pH number means that the water is more alkaline.
According to Pool Supply World, you should aim for a reading between 7.2 and 7.6 for most pools when using chlorine in your filter system or setting up a saltwater system. This will help maintain cleaner and clearer water without harming people or pets who use it frequently. It will also prevent damage to expensive equipment like pumps and filters due to corrosion caused by high acidity levels—which could cause them to leak.
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